Tuesday, May 5, 2015

New paint and stickers

In its original state.
Time for some TLC.
The apperance wasn't exactly mint. The hood had been sprayed with a grey rust protector and then a second layer of the pale yellow. I guess the paint came off during the harsh winters in Lappland when they scraped ice off the hood. It was primerly used with a snowblade to clear a track on a lake, so the look wasn't top priorety.

Anyways, all the panels were intact and there was no need for any metalwork. All I needed to do was to sand it and on with a fresh coat off paint. I went for a near original pale yellow/sand colour and white on the top. The front bumper also got a new coat of black paint.

Like new! From a distance.
I'm super picky about stickers. It goes way back to the early eighties when I started riding BMX Freestyle. I could spend hours to choose and arrange stickers on the numberplate, not much has changed. So I spent some time drawing a new set of stickers using Adobe Illustrator. Then the good people at "Storbildsfabriken" in Linköping cut the new stickers from my files - Thanks!

My custom made stickers in place.
The front logo on the hood is just like the original with the same font and size.
The F50- and the TAFT-stickers are of the original style but I tweaked them a bit to my liking.
The diesel sticker is actually my own version of a sticker from the Toyota BJ40-series, I just made some minor adjustements and had that done in black as well.
The australian flag is my way to pay tribute to it's past.

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