Sunday, May 17, 2015

Daihatsu Taft - PRADA Edition

I recently made a trip to Stockholm since my wife needed to do some shopping. I found a parking spot that was almost legal so I decided to wait in the car.
Imagine my surprise when I look to the right and see that Prada had a Daihatsu Taft on display!
And it was almost identical to mine, except theirs was a left hand drive, mine is right hand drive.
Wow. I knew they where classy and all but I had no idea that they had reached to such extreme levels of refinement.
Prada, I salute you for your exquisite taste in automobiles and I also think that your handbags look alright too. Keep it up!

I didn't see any pricetag but I'm sure it was way to much for a regular Joe like me.


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