Monday, June 1, 2015

Welding and strawberries

Here's the deal. As a kid I had somehow decided that I should never try strawberries. I was absolutely convinced that I would not like it. My family tried all kinds of tricks and persuasion but I wouldn't budge. Strawberries just wasn't for me. Then came the day when my parents finally defeated my stupid boycott. I opend my mouth and had a strawberry. And just as I expected, it was awful - Nah, it was great.

Today I experienced something similiar. Only now it's about welding.
I guess everybody who knows a bit about me would be pretty sure that I do a lot of welding. Not so. For some reason I had created this mental image of welding as something that I could never handle - sounds like a joke but all of this is true. Anyway, I knew I was very limited in my creativity without welding so I bought an electric welding machine (MMA) some months ago. Today was the day when the spell had to be broken. I got this idea about converting a vintage sled into standing shelves and as I was working on that I realised that this should be welded, anything else would be plain stupid. So I brought forth my shiny new machine and cranked it up. It was just so easy and so much fun!

So, let me encourage you to slay some of those (mental) giants that has held you back for way to long.
It doesn't matter if your giant is tiny as a strawberry, go knock it down!
Anything else is a waste of time and life.

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