Thursday, June 18, 2015

My mobile office

We just got back from our daughters wedding in England - best times ever!

There's a lot going on with my company "Bannerbow" right now.
We are just about to start filming some promotional videos for that and it's loads of fun.
Yesterday my wife needed to take care of some things in Stockholm. I went along and left my ordinary office for my super flexible mobile office - the back of my truck!

Working on a storyboard for the new video. Some powerful creativity going on right there!
It worked out real good. Just need to install an espresso machine and I will be all set.
We are all getting ready to celebrate midsummer over here in Sweden and it will probably rain. It usually does. I remember when we had some friends from California over here to share the joy of this traditional celebration. We got together with a bunch of people at this beautiful castle garden. Fiddlers where playing and children where dancing. Just as we sat down on our wool blanket to start eating  the food and cake we had brought a massive thunderstorm came down on us - boom! The rain was so heavy that the blanket instantly got so soaked and heavy that we could just barely drag it. After a while the rain stopped, just to turn to large hail!

Welcome to Sweden.

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