Sunday, June 7, 2015

Creative parking

We live quite near a sweet little town called Mariefred. It's got a very rich cultural life with all kinds of things going on.
We needed to go there yesterday to do some shopping and to eat at our favourite sushi place. As we came close to town we soon became aware that something was going on. My wife recalled that today was "steam day" and that means that loads of tourists has invaded the small town to ride the historic steamtrain, the steamboat and all sorts of steam related gizmos. It also means that all streets that lead to the center of town is shut down.
There where barriers and people in bright vests all over the place. All cars were directed to a temporary parking on a field. I did not fancy to park there at all. It was to far off for my taste. There must be a way around this. Sure enough. Among all the events at steam day was a classic car exhibition. Wait a minute, a 35 year old Daihatsu F50 Taft must count as a classic, right? So I drove up to one of the men in bright vests and just asked him to guide me to the classic car show. No problem! Soon my Daihatsu was parked by the Lancias and Excaliburs, right where it belongs.
I had some bags with paper and plastics for recycling in the back. I figured that didn't add much to the apperance so I unpacked the bags and ran off to recycle and have my sushi. Yummy!

A perfect ending to this story would have been that there was a giant trophy waiting for me as I got back but that didn't happen. Maybe next year...


  1. Va kul att "Dagens Uffe" har blivit verklighet! Lovley story =)

  2. Halloj Lotta!
    Ja här händer det knasigheter på löpande band så det är inget problem att fylla på med historier ;-)

  3. Du är ju roligast! /Expand-Anna

  4. Halloj Anna!
    In the spirit of MacGyver... ;-)
