Monday, June 29, 2015

Time for a facelift

Before - - - - - and - - - - - After
I have a tendency to get hung up on details. Sometimes in a really stupid way and sometimes in a semi stupid way. This post leans towards the later, I think.

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Bannerbow the movie - Featuring me and my Daihatsu Taft

I am so excited about this! Our first promotion video for my invention, the Bannerbow,  just arrived.
A big THANKS to the crew at Image in Stockholm who did an awesome job filming and producing.
My Daihatsu Taft even got a part in it. Check it out!

And the Oscar for the most handsome beard goes to...

Thursday, June 18, 2015

My mobile office

We just got back from our daughters wedding in England - best times ever!

There's a lot going on with my company "Bannerbow" right now.
We are just about to start filming some promotional videos for that and it's loads of fun.
Yesterday my wife needed to take care of some things in Stockholm. I went along and left my ordinary office for my super flexible mobile office - the back of my truck!

Working on a storyboard for the new video. Some powerful creativity going on right there!
It worked out real good. Just need to install an espresso machine and I will be all set.

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Creative parking

We live quite near a sweet little town called Mariefred. It's got a very rich cultural life with all kinds of things going on.
We needed to go there yesterday to do some shopping and to eat at our favourite sushi place. As we came close to town we soon became aware that something was going on. My wife recalled that today was "steam day" and that means that loads of tourists has invaded the small town to ride the historic steamtrain, the steamboat and all sorts of steam related gizmos. It also means that all streets that lead to the center of town is shut down.

Monday, June 1, 2015

Welding and strawberries

Here's the deal. As a kid I had somehow decided that I should never try strawberries. I was absolutely convinced that I would not like it. My family tried all kinds of tricks and persuasion but I wouldn't budge. Strawberries just wasn't for me. Then came the day when my parents finally defeated my stupid boycott. I opend my mouth and had a strawberry. And just as I expected, it was awful - Nah, it was great.

Today I experienced something similiar. Only now it's about welding.

Refurbished turn signals and Cousins in Australia

I found this clear orange spray paint at Biltema. It's like a colored clear coat.
The purpose is to refurbish the glass of the turn indicators. Mine where a bit dull. I guess the years under the australian sun had taken its toll.
So I thought I'd give this a try. I took them apart, wiped them off, masked the clear section with some tape and gave it a couple of coats of paint. It cured real fast and the surface seems to be very scratch resistant. Good stuff. The indicators looks way better! It's all in the details.

Disassembled and ready to be masked and sprayed.