Sunday, January 31, 2016

A jerrycan became a storage box

Here's a fun project that I want to share.
A while back I came up with the idea to convert a jerrycan into a rear mounted storage box.

As I did a search on the web I found out that a lot of people are doing all sorts of cool stuff out of jerrycans. I never saw what I had in mind though.
My idea was to mount it with hinges, so it can be flipped out downwards in a 90 degree angle.
The hidden side should be cut open so I could store stuff in it. I'm thinking ropes, gloves and such.

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Jump seats - Yeah!

I'm just super pleased with this project! I made jump seats using parts from a vintage camping bed. It's all custom made. I even made the cushions from scratch and I can't even remember the last time I used a sewing machine. But here goes!

It started out with the bed that I found at a thrift store. I chopped off the ends, took off the springs and trimmed the legs and moved them from the sides to the end.
The base of the seat was made from a plywood table top. I cut that to match the outline of the bed frame and glued one layer of rubber foam and one layer of sleeping pad on to that.

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Made more Tintin clocks!

Whenever me and my wife visit our daughters in Oxford, England I usually go to Blackwells Bookstore. They always have a good stock of Tintin postcards and posters. This time around I bought some postcards and a big poster. I wanted to do a really big Tintin clock so I bought "the Red Sea Sharks" poster. I already had a really large wall clock - IKEA - so the plan was to attach the round part on to it. Turned out to be a perfect match!

Check the glasses for a size reference! It's BIG!

Time for some fresh gaskets

A small oil leak has kept me puzzled. My latest idea is that it might be caused by a leak in the water pump gasket and that the leaking cooling liquid might have messed up the the timing plate gasket below. Perhaps...
I didn't have the tools to change both gaskets so I started with the water pump.
I'll do the other as soon as I have bought an impact wrench.

I'm still amazed by how easy it is to work on this little truck. Everything can be taken apart real easy, just like a large meccano set. I took off most off the front for an easy access.

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Military Daihatsu Taft

I just had to show this picture of a 1980 Daihatsu Taft in a military version.
Never seen one like that before. It looks so cool!
It's for sale in Thailand. Go get it!

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Headlight headache

Days are getting darker as winter is moving in on us - wish it was moving away. So, good headlights are as important as ever. One of mine thought it was time for a break, so it did. No problem, I'll just go get myself a new H4 light bulb and that's that. Right? Turns out fate had other plans. As I parked outside the auto parts dealer I popped the hood and was about to remove the broken lamp. That's when I found out that this vintage ride wasn't built that way. The light, reflector and glass was all one unit! I had no idea.

So that meant that I would have to replace the whole thing. Went searching the web and soon found out that it would cost way more than just changing a simple light bulb. Way more.

Saturday, October 10, 2015

My new wheel cover - Beware of the Higuma!

I've been thinking about getting a spare wheel cover but haven't found any that I liked.
That was until I found this little gem at
At first I just thought it looked real cool but it got even better as I zoomed in on the writing, that sealed the deal. There's no way I could resist something that quirky and at £12.99 it was a bargain!
Here's what it says: