Saturday, July 18, 2015

Made two clocks

This post is about clocks, a rather sensitive subject to me. You see I didn't figure out how to tell time until I was fifteen, and I still mess it up from time to time (Oops, unintentional pun, I promise).

But this post wasn't meant to be about my childhood, it's about these two clocks that I put together today.

It started with an electric clockwork that I had. I thought I should make a clock to mount in my truck, since it doesn't have such fancy extras. I had some Tintin postcards that I found in Oxford and noticed that one of them would work real nice as a background. I punched a hole, mounted the clockwork and put it in a metall box that used to hold drill bits. Just needed to cut out a square hole of the lid. Looks pretty cool. Although, the whole deal got a bit to big to mount on the dash, looks better in the house.

Second try.
I dismantled an IKEA clock with a similiar piece of clockwork. The circular back piece of the clock made a perfect fit to an antique Bosch bicycle light. Came out great. I really dig that chrome edge and the lettering on the glass. Cool details. Perhaps that one will go on the dashboard.

On an other note.
Here's a panoramic picture that our daughter "Jossan" took of me having coffee at the museum of modern art in Stockholm. It's a great place to hang out and the view over Stockholm is amazing.
See our Daihatsu down there?

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