Thursday, October 8, 2015

The story behind my innovation

The film company that we work with - called "Image" - has just finished our latest video about my innovation - the Bannerbow.

This video is about how I got the idea for this product. You can check it out here:

Personally I'm always interested to hear the story behind innovations. Hope you do too!

Also, I would like to this opportunity to thank you all for reading my blog!
There are people from all over the world who read about my little Daihatsu Taft and I really enjoy to tell about it.


Your bearded buddy: Ulf


  1. Hi Ulf, I really like this invention, and enjoyed watching the promo video - especially seeing your Daihatsu and your skating! I hope it has been a success.

    1. Thanks Melanie!
      Glad you liked the video. I really like that I managed to include my Daihatsu there :)
      I wish it would have been given a bigger part :D
      Yes, Bannerbow is quite successful and it can be found in all kinds of places and situations. It's a fun product. I still like it a lot.
